Rhine Falls, Switzerland

March 10, 2008

YEA!!! Spring is on it's way!

I'm so excited that spring is actually getting close! I have the proof right here in my own yard. I am not not kidding myself though, I know the snow will continue for the next month or two.
I love this time of year when the grass starts turning green again and the bulbs start to bloom, it is great!

These bottom flowers Grandma Diane sent for my birthday. I had to work that day but the girls had planned a surprise party. They made a cake and got balloons and invited the Taylors and Cederholms over. Not that I like my birthday very much, but they were really excited about it and we had fun. Just as they were lighting the candles on the cake we were going to take pictures and the battery was dead. Bummer, no pictures !


Hillary said...

Happy bday!!! I love this time of year too. It's always depressing when the snow comes and ruins them though.

Corri Havlicek said...

Happy Birthday! And Happy Spring! Although, I kind of dread spring because then I know summer is coming, and it gets sooo HOT down here!