Rhine Falls, Switzerland

May 15, 2008

Beehive House

Our last field trip before the kids go back on track next Monday. We went downtown and saw the Capitol building and also the Beehive House. The Beehive House was built in 1854. It was the home of Brigham Young, the second prophet of the LDS church. He was also the territorial governor.

Corey chose to stay home and babysit for a neighbor instead of going today.

Utah State Capitol Building

The tulips and flowers downtown were so beautiful

The Beehive House

Living Room

School Room


Dining Room

Preston, Keaton, Erika and Shelbi
My camera battery died and this is a picture from my cell phone, it turned out a little better than I thought it would.

We had a pretty eventful 3 weeks off track, even though I worked 11 of those days. We also went to the library twice, two movies, cleaned out our cold storage room (and even took inventory!) and weeded the front yard. Not to mention play practice every night and the 6 performances last weekend (I'll post pictures when I get the CD they made). Wow, we've been busy! I think I'm ready for the girls to go back to school for another 7 weeks. :)

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